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רוביצה תואירבל רפסה יתבו רוביצה תואירב יאפור דוגיא לש יתנשה סנכה Table of Contents Environmental Epidemiology Page תיתביבס היגולוימדיפא Number תוינידמ תוכלשהו לארשיב בצמה :םידליל םירצומב םיקיזמ םילקימיכ 28 Impact of energy policy on air pollution in Israel : time series analyses of mortality following transition to natural gas energy production in 3 Israeli cities 29 Rhythms in Psychiatric Emergency Department Visits 30 The effect of exposure to particulate matter during pregnancy on lower respiratory tract infections during first year of life 32 Childhood financial status, book availability and current cognitive performance among older Europeans 33 Chronic diseases Epidemiology םד ילכו בל ,ןטרס ?םואל יפ לע עוציבה תוינידמ תא םיאתהל שי םאה -לארשיב דשה ןטרס לש םדקומ יוליגל רקס תוקידב 34 New onset diabetes in adulthood is associated with a significant risk for mortality: a population based cohort study 35 Prevalence and predictors of chronic pain and sensory disturbances among breast cancer survivors 34 II גוס תרכוס ילוח םישישק תייסולכוא ברקב יביטינגוק דוקפתל ןימרופטמ תליטנ ןיב רשקה 36 Population group variability in the risk of second primary neoplasm following childhood and adolescent cancer: a cohort study (1980-2013) 37 Nutrition הנוזת Do Israeli Teenagers get Fatter with time? 38 The effect of Ramadan fast on the incidence of renal colic emergency department visits 39 Mortality, Hospital Days and Treatment Costs from Sugar Consumption in Israel. 40 First Israeli national iodine survey reveals high prevalence of iodine deficiency among pregnant women 41 and school aged children Sustainable Nutrition in Israel: from Science to Media 42 11
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